Wouldn’t it be nice to Share The Harvest?
This pattern was designed last Fall when the pandemic was doing its bit of sharing…Ugh! With this in mind came the name, ‘Sharing the Harvest’. A reminder to think of others, share what we can, if only a smile or pleasant word to each other.
I am thrilled to announce that Renee Nanneman, fabric designer for Andover Fabrics has released her new fabric line called ‘Acorn Harvest’ AND… has created kits for ‘Sharing the Harvest’ just for you! Her gorgeous fabrics bring warmth to this quilt like no other.
photo compliments of Need’l Love
photo compliments of Need’l Love
photo compliments of Need’l Love
The work is all done! Hand selected and carefully coordinated. Sharing The Harvest Kits are available through Need’l Love.
While you are there, you just might find other ‘must have’ kits like Aruba Cotton Daisies, Strawberry Patches, Cherry Pick’n and many more!